How To Study and Understand The Bible in 5 Simple Steps

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SKU 1197

This book is brief because the steps are easy.  Best of all, you don't have to learn Hebrew or Greek to apply this study method.  You will learn to consider context, framework of Scripture, merits of different translations, use of genre, and prayer as keys  for how to study Scripture.

Dr. La Verne Tolbert, 97 pages, ISBN 978-0-910566-30-8,  Item# 1197

Table of Contents

The Law of the Lord

1.  Non-Negotiable

2.  Where Do I Begin?

3.  Step Into the Sandals of the Author

4.  Take Time to Look Up Words

5.  Understand the Figure of Speech

6.  Dig Deeper Than the Surface

7.  Yield to God

Study- Fill in the blank

Answers to Do You Remember

7 Lesson Plans

Certificate of Completion