Biblical Beliefs

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SKU 1100

What was it that lead to the early church's success? Not success in financial terms or political influence, early Christians overcame persecution to become the most dominant religious force the world has ever known. Their fundamental faith commitments supported a manner of life that linked beliefs and behavior, or doctrine and practice. The Apostle Paul warned that deceptions are a significant danger to Christians. Truth, then, becomes essential for living in perilous times.

W. Jackson Watts, 128 pages, paper, ISBN 978-1-929852-10-9, Item # 1100

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The Authority of Scripture
  • The Godhead
  • Creation and the Fall
  • The Person and Work of Christ
  • The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
  • The Doctrine of Salvation
  • Spirituality
  • The Church: Origin and Identity
  • The Church: Mission and Ministry
  • Angels and Demons
  • Heaven and Hell
  • The Coming Kingdom
  • Conclusion